French Summer Camp Program @ Quebec

French Summer Camp Program @ Quebec

Are you planning to have a wonderful summer vacation?
Are you planning to learn a new language while having fun this summer?
Are you interested in diverse cultural and beautiful sightseeing?
Are you looking forward to visiting the prestigious universities in Canada?


The Summer Camp Program of Trition Language School offers various choices for international students to travel and study in Canada. There are a variety of activities available for international students to broaden their vision, learn different culture, visit top ranking schools, improve English proficiency, participate in group work, learn to think in a critical way, learn to manage time, develop problem-solving skills, reflex and make friends. For students who are interested in French learning and culture, there is a specific choice available for them to visit Quebec province and learn French.


2020 French Summer Camp

Scheduled from June 8th to July 31st, 2020
May start on any Monday of the summer camp


Program Features

Small class (5-10 students/class)
Student-centered education
Students learn French and live a complete French immersion experience
Balanced schedule: French in the mornings and activities in the afternoons
Fun and original activities
Qualified professors and counselors
Intensify French skills
Improve students’ creativity and critical thinking
Transport to all activity sites included
Quebec City: the cradle of French-Canadian culture and a very safe city
Facilities and activities adhere to safety standards
Weekly pedagogical reports sent to parents



Professional teaching, organizing and managing team
Guaranteed educational quality
Certificates are available for students
Effectively intensify French in a short time
Students’ diverse needs can be paid attention
Encourage students to integrate into the classroom environment and participate in group work
Students of Summer Camp Program can communicate with international students to gather information about dream school, studying and living experiences in Canada
Improve self-management and communication skills
Provide students opportunities to live in French-speaking homestay to learn local culture and improve language proficiency



French Classes: 8:30 am – 11:45 am
Cultural and Sports Activities: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Back to homestay or residences: 4:30 pm

      •  Have fun while learning French
      •  Enjoy a wide range of recreational and cultural activities
      •  Have a complete French immersion experience


French Classes

Morning French classes, from 8:30 am to 11:45 am, are organized in 7 levels, and help students develop all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, in addition to attention to the study of grammar and phonetics.


Multi-activity Program

The program offers students fun and varied activities every afternoon. The French and Art and French and Sports programs are mostly offered in collaboration with local partners and provide students with an opportunity to mix with local teenagers.

Evenings and Weekend Activities

One or two evening activities plus weekend activities are organized by the program. Weekend activities are mandatory for participants in homestay and in residence.

Cultural Activities

Including excursions to Montreal to visit La Ronde theme park and the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, Le Cirque du Soleil, Le Festival de Québec and whale-watching at Tadoussac.


By combining French courses with outstanding afternoon activities and outstanding extra-curricular programs, the Summer French Camp for Teenagers offers your child an outstanding French immersion experience!



Participants can either stay with a host family or in residence. Participants in homestay return to their host family after 4:30 pm for dinner and to spend the evening with their hosts. Those housed in the off-campus university residence return as a group to the residence for dinner and evening activities. They remain under supervision by our counselors.



Registration Fee: $200 (non-refundable)
Weekly Tuition Fee*: $1250
Weekly Homestay Fee: $250
*Tuition Fee includes course materials and student insurance.


You can see the calendar of activities here.


Any interests and questions, please feel free to contact us!


Trition Language School
3601 Victoria Park Ave, suite 202A
Scarborough, ON, M1W 3Y3
Telephone: 416-466-9588

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