Level Testing at Trition

Level Testing at Trition

Level Testing at Trition Upon arrival at Trition Language School, every student must do a placement test and undergo an interview with one of our teachers or education counselors. The placement test evaluates grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. The interview evaluates the student’s speaking and listening abilities and helps to design the ideal study...

French Academic Pathway Program

French Academic Pathway Program

French Academic Pathway Program Intensive French Training The intensive French training program of Trition Language School partnered with Canadian post-secondary schools in Quebec, Canada to create the unique French Academic Pathway Program, for students who want to master French in the short-term and obtain a vocational training diploma from Quebec, Canada. Upon successfully completing the...


About us

Trition Language School aims to help international students develop both fluency and confidence in French/English proficiency in order to achieve success in personal, academic and professional goals. This is accomplished through genuine and dedicated care from teachers and support staff who understand the needs of foreign students. Our experienced teachers focus on delivering high-quality super...

Study Permit

Study Permit

To study in Canada, you need a Study Permit and for most visa-required countries, a Visitor Visa. Study permit, also known as Student Visa, is a document issued by Immigration Canada to allow foreign students to study at a designated learning institution in Canada. When you get your letter of admission from the school that...

Schools and Programs

Schools and Programs

Canada has many top universities in the world, and also more than 500 colleges and high schools offering a variety of educational programs that you can choose based on your education level and interests. For more information about all education institutions and study programs, visit the official Education Ministry website: https://educanada.ca/programs-programmes/index.aspx?lang=eng Here are some examples...

Study in Canada

Study in Canada

Top-level education quality, multicultural atmosphere, worldwide employment opportunities, and peaceful environment, make Canada one of the top Western countries for education. The number of foreign students in Canada is constantly and rapidly growing and has reached 450,000.

Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)

Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)

An Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) allows a visa-exempt foreign nationals to travel to or transit through Canada by air. It’s electronically linked to your passport and valid for up to five years. With a valid eTA, you can travel to Canada as often as you want for short stays (normally less than 6 months at...

2019年4月28日2019年4月29日by In Visa
Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

What is TRV & Why do you need it: A temporary resident visa (TRV), also known as Visitor Visa, is an official counterfoil document issued by a visa office to show that they have met the requirements for admission to Canada as a temporary resident. You need a temporary resident visa if you plan to...

2019年4月28日2019年4月29日by In Visa


Tritions教育集团的总部设在加拿大经济教育中心城市多伦多,本教育联盟包含以下核心机构: Trition Services Inc.,于2014年成立,是一家高度专业化的加拿大移民法律事务所。Tritions拥有一支由律师和移民顾问组成的专业团队,为您提供全方位一站式的海外移民服务。我们的服务涵盖多种领域,核心业务包括移民签证办理和留学咨询。Trition Services Inc.正式注册于加拿大移民顾问监管委员会(ICCRC),我们的移民顾问均是由ICCRC官方认证的资深持牌加拿大移民顾问,高学历高水准,致力于全心全意为我们的客户提供专业意见,帮助每一位客户顺利实现他们的教育和移民梦想。 USCA Academy 是一所著名安省国际高中,提供加拿大安大略省高中学历课程和大学预科课程。多年来,在加拿大教育部的监督及指导下,USCA Academy成为业内高质量教育机构的领军者。学校为学生提供小班课程,高质量官方认证的师资力量,以及友好的学习环境,并提供学生单独照管扶持服务。作为安省一流的私立国际高中之一,USCA Academy致力于培养学生的领袖精神,鲜明个性和自信人格,并注重学生人格,智力,体魄,社交等各方面的全方位发展。 Trition Language School 充分利用移民法律事务所,语言培训学校,和一所安省高中三者联盟的优势,Tritions Education Group致力于通过提供高质量的专业课程,英语/法语语言培训, 和各类移民项目,为我们的客户提供专业,可靠的一站式海外教育及移民服务。 高度责任心的企业文化使我们始终注重以客户利益为本和合作共赢的服务理念。通过与每一位客户长期合作,我们根据每位客户的不同情况,为他们量身定做最合适的方案,并像对待自己的事务一样长期追踪每一个案例,旨在帮助广大学生为顺利转入加拿大各大高校深造做好充分准备,并最终顺利且轻松地移民加拿大。